(日本語) 成功は運に基づいているという話を、人は聞きたがりません。
- Source:「AnalogRecord.com」
- Tag:people・movie・book・proverbs
- by admin
Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.
Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.
It have some magical effect I think. I cannot take my eyes off in a while.
Mama used to say,
Take your time, young man…
Mama used to say, Don’t you rush to get old…
Mama used to say, Take it in your stride…
Mama used to say, Live Your life.
I am little bit fed up with minimal dance music from desktops. So this is fresh!
United Game Artistsによる超名作ゲーム”Rez”の挿入曲 Adam Freeland / Fear。このバージョンはCDには収録されてないマスターピース。