(日本語) にんにくジンジャー2:夏野菜の爽やか焼きびたし
- Source:「Too Many Cooks」
- Tag:recipe・cooking・foods
- by スギアカツキ
Siba Sahabi has designed a collection of felt lamps called Sherazade.
‘Sherazade’ is exhibited during SALON/KANT at the Bijbels Museum, Amsterdam from 15 June – 18 August 2013.
Ettore Design have completed a house in the Mojave Desert near Joshua Tree, California.
Most of Japanese never knows about desert. Though I have watched the movie “Bagdad Cafe”.
Round of applause to Ábaton architects for this incredible stable conversion in Extremadura, Western Spain. Too far from a central electricity source to be powered the conventional way, a hydro-fuelled home that manages to stay both handsome and a friend of the environment. We won’t bang on too much about this one, it’s pretty incredible so head to the gallery for a look-see.